Monday, March 28, 2011

Vintage Love

What a great day today! Vintage is not rare in photography but I thought I should give it a try... Ha! This session I had with rebeca was a lot of fun! I have so much Ideas but for some reason, I wasn't really prepared hahah It was just a quick Idea! Rebeca suggested a style & she showed me a magazine & ofcourse I used it as an inspiration.

Forgive my editing... I didn't do a lot of skin correction. I want to make it look natural. No, I did not use actions. These are all manually edited. I worked sooooo hard to get this effect.

Me & Rebeca got 2 more sessions to go! I'm super Excited! This time I'll make sure I'll surprise you ;) Enjoy the pix!

This last image, I decided to shoot her whole body!The idea was just to do a portrait shots. But I wanted you all to see our magical session hahahah Fun isn't it?! We did the shooting in my new apartment! will take pictures as soon as I'm done fixing this room!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Let's get colorful

spring is almost here people! ahhh it looks great to see colorful images... & oh, I shoot raw ;) sorry to disappoint you I only use CS2 & no action plug ins... ^_^ enjoy!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

splash attack I'm back!

What is going on mates! hahah splash attack is back! I've been trying so hard to get my stuff to look better... I'm still not satisfied I tell you that.. haha I gotta love what I have... my d5000 is still not giving up on me. My warranty is over & it seems like my bad boy is getting old & it needs to get fixed :( but I'm thankful he stayed faithful ;) he's still breathing people!

A lot of people are asking what program/tools/gear I've been using.

Here they are:

wide angle nikkor 24-120mm

These pix, I only use my 50mm. I'm using the old version. I'm so inlove with manual lens.So, people are also asking If I can make a tutorial... I am actually thinking about it.. Not so sure. hahah ;)

Ha! laitah!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Hillsong United Concert

Goodmorning Readers! You are just about to see the exciting moment we've encountered in Manhattan! It was one of the best Hillsong United Concert even thought I've already seen them performing more than 4 times...

Anyways,our Tapestry Church women enjoyed themselves & I'm super glad they did!

And about this Juice? that night, Was our "Only Juice" daniel fast. I was flaunting it bcuz I was proud of it... Enjoy the Rest of the Pix!