Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fun Practice

It was pretty nice outside & here I am, I had another beautiful day with Emily and her
 baby penny! And of course, again, I need to build friendship with her cam'ra Mr. Mark!
well, glad I shoot raw today but these pictures I posted are from my awesome budd, nikon!
I will show you the images later as soon as I get a chance to pick it up at emily's flat! she tried
 to dropbox me but her CR2 file won't open! I have LR3 & CS5 but I didn't get any
luck (well causeI guess I don't believe in luck?) LOL but will post it as my Blog part II?
yay! but for now, please enjoy the rest of the images! 

Penny found a playmate! ahh they look fun! I enjoyed watching them play even 
it was just a little time ^_^ penny rather watch the squirrel! Hilarious!
This little new friend is so sadly adorable! I want one! wait, I gotta stay faithful to my 
Akita! LOL but I don't mind if I'll have this kind =) 
I love watching them play! so much fun! I'm sure they had fun.. ehem I mean the new 
friend had fun because like I said, Penny rather watch Mr. Squirrel ^_^
here they are... sniffin tryin if there's food inside? or are they curious or what? hahah 
how ever, this little friend caught my attention =)
so yea, I totally like this little one :) & obviously she or he likes me.. I didn't even know
if this creature is she or he?Emily help me remind me hahaha

awwwww look at this? having fun much?

Here's penny trying to avoid the little friend hahaha penny so cute and she goes
"time for real business" 
Penny avoided the little one, so Emily took ovah! 


here she is, squirrel squirrel hahahah she's so funny! 

Time to talk to your real mama.

 awwww poor creature! penny is too busy and I think it was time for her to go home :(

so he's back to BUSINESS! I can hear her voice saying: "Squirrel, come to mama"

Penny: I'm not leaving! No no! I'm not! wait, I'll be here!

I've seen many blogs out there and they advice to make sure that the tone of
every images should be the same. But in my own world says, I can do what I want & I can
tone it up tone it down it doesn't bother me at all. When it comes to my own recipe, I
don't make any rules. I do it with fun :)

Emily in B&W

the pretty Emily, I can't wait to shoot her wedding!

It's so beautiful outside! the trees are amazing!

so we're walking back to get in the car, penny wants to stop cause guest what? she found another
squisshee! lol 

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